Friday, October 28, 2011

Honesty and Trust

Some times it frightens me how deep the meaning of the word honesty and truth is. It maybe simple and easy to say, but in the real life, some times honesty and truth is usually overlooked and left in the dust. When people say that once some body has been dishonest to them once, than it is stereo typed in that persons mind that for the rest of life, regardless of how that person behaves weather they have changed or not, that person will always be dubbed as dishonest.

And when that person is dubbed dishonest, then everything becomes a problem. Trust and truth and honesty can not be bought buy bundles of cash, it can not be bribed. Trust and honesty can not be bought. And there is no some of money big enough to value some ones honesty and trust.

It scares me that one wrong move, and your dead. Honesty and trust is not some thing to be played around with, but it is something that is gained through years and years of truth full and honesty.

Honesty mixed with money is bush fire that is being sprayed buy gasoline. They are two major problem that has no end, and when in doubt, the fire has been stopped, the aftermath is still visible and will always be visible for years and decades to come. And rebuilding trust that has been broken is like planting all the trees and grass and vegetation, and breading the animals from the forest that has been burnt. It can happen but god knows how long it will take to rebuild that trust and to gain that trust. And when that trust has been rebuild, the forest will not be the same. It will still be a forest but a different forest with different trees and different wild life.

It's especially hard if you are caught in the middle. between the raging bush fire and the fire fighters who are unwilling to put out the fire because they know that the fire is to big to put out, or they do not want to waste there resources on putting the fire out, because it will gradually die down when the fire has run out of trees in the forest to be burnt. So who is the savior thrn? If this is the case then you put matters into your own hands, you do whats best for you regardless of the bush fire and the fire fighter. What you will do will upset the fire fighter, because you may break there rules of engagement towards solving the problem, but what else can you do? the Bush Fire is raging and the fire fighters wont help. So you stars little fire to control the bush fires, or you irritate the fire fighters, you complain to them, you tell them that they are not doing there job properly, this may work if the fire fighter realizes there mistake, but if they don't?, The better you give up and take fate into your own hands, and hope that the bush fire will die down, or the fire fighter will come and rescue you. But of they don't the worst that could happen is you get engolved by the bush fire and give up and die

Good Night

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ganyang Malaysia

In 1961, the Kalimantan Island was divided into 4 separate administrations they are, the south of Kalimantan became a province of Indonesia, the northen part were divided with the British colony of Serawak and north Borneo and The Kingdom of Brunei. As a part of the British tactic to leave it’s colony in south east asia, it tried to combine the the cape of Malaya with it’s two colonies that are located in the north of Kalimantan. This plan by the British to combine the cape of malaya and north borneo was declined by Soekarno the leading president of Indonesia. Soekarno considered that Malaysia was a puppet state that was invented by the british to cater for its needs in sputh east asia, and the forming of the Federation state of Malaysia will only increace the britisg influence in south east asia. The Philipines also disagreed on the idea of the British, they clamined that they had ansestoral ties with Sabah throuhgh the Kingdom of Sulu[i].

In Brunei the Tentara Nasional Kalimantan Utara(TNKU)[ii] a started a conflict in the December of 1962, they tried to capture the sultan of Brunei, oil fields and take europeon people living in that area as hostage. The sultan got away and asked for the british armies intervension in the crisis. The british responded by sending the british forces and Gurkha from Singapore. On the 16 December 1963 the conflict leader was captured by the ritish forces[iii].

The Indonesian government and Philipines government agreed on the forming of the Federation of Malaysia, if and only if that the british colonialization were to end, and there were to be held a referendum that was held by the United Nations. Before the result of the vote was published, Malaysia saw the making of the Federation of Malaysia that was idea by the british as a internal threat, But the Indonesia government saw this as the offend the Manilla accord and the proof of the british colonializing and imperialism[iv]. There were 5 points that were made in the Manilla Accord, they are:

1. Malaysia will not be established before a referendum be held for the people of North Kalimantan.

2. The Head of the UN will take new actions regarding the decision of the seldetermination right according to the UN resolution 1541 verse 9.

3. The result of the temporary reforendum held by the british will be thought about again after having been research again by the head of UN.

4. .The people of North Kalimantan who have taken refuge out of the are are giving the right to vote on the referendum.

5. The UN will send helping worker in order to achieve the seldetermination witihin north kalimantan, whilst Indonesia, Malaya and the Phillipines will be the supervisor of the UN workers.[v]

Because of Indoneisa intervension with Malaysia, the people of Malaysia got angry at Indonesia therefore holding anti-Indonesia demonstrations at Kuala Lumpur. The demonstrans atacked the KBRI building and riped on Soekarno’s Photo and took the Garuda Pancasila Simbol of Indonesia and forced the leading primeminister of the time Tunku Abdul Rahman to stomp on it. President of Indonesia, Soekarno was very furious with the anti Indonesian protests is Kulala lumpur[vi]. The forreign ministry of Indonesia Soebandrio stated that Indoneisa has taken hostile steps towards malaysia on 20 January 1963. On the following april of the same year, the Indonesia army started to enter the sabah and serawak teritory of malaysia.

Soerkarno who was very furios with the anti Indonesia demostrations in Malaysia wanted to have revemge therefore he intiated a movement called “Ganyang Malaysia” (attack Malaysia), he stated the movement Ganyang malaysia through one of his speech.

Kalau kita lapar itu biasa
Kalau kita malu itu juga biasa
Namun kalau kita lapar atau malu itu karena
Malaysia, kurang ajar!

Kerahkan pasukan ke Kalimantan hajar cecunguk Malayan itu!
Pukul dan sikat jangan sampai tanah dan udara kita diinjak-injak oleh Malaysian keparat itu

Doakan aku, aku kan berangkat ke medan juang sebagai patriot Bangsa, sebagai martir Bangsa dan sebagai peluru Bangsa yang tak mau diinjak-injak harga dirinya.

Serukan serukan keseluruh pelosok negeri bahwa kita akan bersatu untuk melawan kehinaan ini kita akan membalas perlakuan ini dan kita tunjukkan bahwa kita masih memiliki Gigi yang kuat dan kita juga masih memiliki martabat.

Yoo...ayoo... kita... Ganjang...
Ganjang... Malaysia
Ganjang... Malaysia
Bulatkan tekad
Semangat kita badja
Peluru kita banjak
Njawa kita banjak
Bila perlu satoe-satoe!


Besides the “main resaon” why ganyang malaysia was initiated there are also other reason why it happened. In 1964, Malaysia was elected as the the united nations security council which made Indonesia very angry and at that same year Indonesia resigned from the United nations because of the election of Malaysia As security council. After Indonesia withdew ffrom the united nation, Indonesia made CONEFO (Conference of New Emerging Forces) as an alternative on 20 Janury 1965.After establishing CONEFO[viii], Soekarno also made GANEFO (Games of new emarging forces) which invited african, south american and east block countries, it was held in senayan from the 10th-22nd of November 1963. This is one of the result of Soekarno’s disagreement with the UN decision to take malaysia in as a member of the security council. Soekarno’s action led to Indonesia being heavier sided with the east block[ix].

There were also lot’s of conflicts happening within internal Indonesia,one of soekarno’s goal by intitiating Ganyang malaysia is to unify the Indonesia people that are having conflict with each other. Indinesia was also having a decline in it’s economy, so ganyang malaysia was made to be a new interst in the Indonesia citizen so they could forget about the pass and fight malaysia as a unity and some how, from this soekarno hoped to build a better and strong bond of the Indonesia people, but unfortunatly it failed and had dear consiquences.

The Indonesia and Malaysia Confrontation finally ended on the 28th of May 1966, in the conference of Bangkok[x] when both goverments agreed on making a peace keeping agreement. The main reasons of Indonesia withdrew in the conflict is because of again, internal and domestic matter which arose on 30 september 1965, G30s PKI, the Komunist Party Conflict which ended in the resigning of president Soekarno and the new elected president Soeharto. Soeharto wasn’t intrested in continuing fighting Malaysia so therefore the war ended. As a result of Soekarno’s decision to attack Malaysia, it made Indonesia close to the east block which proved to be to much to handle thus making Soekarno have a good relationship with the Indonesia comunist parties. His actions cost him his job as the president of Indonesia, and after the kudeta in 1965, he was forced to resign and Soeharto to the role as president.

[ii] North Kalimantan Nasional Army

[iv] Ledge,J.D. 1985, Sukarno a political Biography,Archipelago press, p 410

[v] Soekarno. 1964, Dibawah Bendera Revolusi jilid kedua, panitya penerbit Dibawah Bendera Revolusi, p551

[vi] Ledge,J.D. 1985, Sukarno a political Biography,Archipelago press, p 412

[vii] Soekarno’s speech 20th January 1963

[viii] Ledge,J.D. 1985, Sukarno a political Biography,Archipelago press, p 414

[ix] Soekarno. 1964, Dibawah Bendera Revolusi jilid kedua, panitya penerbit Dibawah Bendera Revolusi, p547

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A thought from the past part 2


well, it all started a couple of months ago before the final exams and UGM test, we chatted and got to know each other and i started to have a feeling for her, but because of some circumstances i never got to her heart. so we became friends, not the best of friend but friend.

We kept in contact but not very intensively, but then i suddenly struck me, i was listening to a song. That song tells about a place that i always visit during my holidays, and i started thinking of her again.

It may sound strange to you, but this time the feeling that had come to me before, came again. It came at the strangest of time, but this time it was different. I don't know why i m sure that maybe this time its love, not just 'puppy love", but i guess it's to quick to judge.

This time I m certain about the feeling, but unfortunatly, she does live in Bandung anymore, she lived in that place, the place that the song described.

So i thought of a plan, a scheme to some how get to her heart, so i dared my self to start chatting with her, and it's been going on since. Well, maybe she's the right person for me, cuz i find a lot of comfort in talking to her directly or indirectly.

If i succeed it's gonna be a long distance relationship, 400km long. We gotta trust each other.
I am ready and up for it, but i wonder if she is up for it.., i wonder if she has the same feelings for me??
Although separated by the 400km distance, but how come i feel so close to her, i feel as if she is just a 15 minute walk away.

But reality speaks differently. Well god please let me succeed in taking her heart, although we are very far a part, please let me succeed. Let the distance be no boundaries to the feelings that i feel (hopefully if i succeed, we feel).

Let there be no you and me, but just we. We who will succeed in completing each others personalities, we that will fill each other gap in our heart, let there be we that will live eternally..

Originally written october 2009

A thought from the past Part 1


It's not common for me to write notes, or blogs or what ever napster calls these type of open writting where every one can see what your thoughts are and your point of view and so on, and so forth.

Travelling has been an alltime passion for me, i've been travelling since, as young as i remeber, not just in Indonesia but in other countries as well. From my point of view, the best way to enjoy travelling, or to enjoy your time while travelling is to be a backpacker, and travel cheap and poor, by doing this we get the "real"feel of the country, city or place we traveled in.

My first experience of backing is travvelling with the whole family around west europe, we started in London, and continued to Germany, France, Austraia, Belgium, czech Rep and The Netherlands. We traveled using the cheapest class in train (here would be the ekonomi class, not executive). The trains were different from the ones in Indonesia, they has seating comparments that consisted of 4 to 6 six facing each other. The train had a gang way on the edge and two toilets(of course).

During our travels, we encountered lots of people, from undergraduate students, other backpackers, rich buiessness man, hippies and gipsys, it was a reat anventure.beside using the train, when we got to our destination, instead of using the taxi or carer a car, we walked or tooked the tram.By doing this, my father showed me the real meaning of travelling, n ot just enjoying the luxuries in life, but enjoying the little things, that discomforts us.

At the present moment (while i'm writting this blog) i am at a cafe in Jogjakarta enjoying my afternoon coffee and cigarette whilst watching the cars go by. Although it's not paris or rome, but i can just imagine my self like that in this situations.

Being single is great fun, it gives you no bounderies, it makes you feel free, but sometimes, during my travels (to jogja, and vicinity of jogja) it feels in complete when when i see a spectacular view, or place without "some one"(what i mean in is some one as in terms of a girl that has the same hobbies and thoughts) to accompany me. It makes the view fell less spectacular, it's like a cocking that has no slt in it, it feel incomplete.

Maybe some day i can complete this in complete feeling...

originally written march 2009

Friday, December 24, 2010

The power of dreams

"the power of dreams" siapa yang tak kenal slogan dari pabrikan otomotif asal Jepang itu, HONDA. Mungkin slogan itu akan kita anggap sebelah mata dan tidak terlalu di hiraukan, apa sih? itu ga penting banget, jujur itu adalah yang saya lakukan. Hingga hari ini sesuatu yang benar benar mengubah presepso saya terhadap kalimat tersebut.

Bobby adalah orang yang pertama kali menyuntikkan paham ini pada diri saya, dia bercerita panjang lebar tentang keinginanya apa yang dia harapkan terjadi dan terjadi pada dirinya. Lalu dia mencoba meyakinkan saya akan hal itu, namun saya tetap membantah dan tidak percaya akan kekuatan mimpi tersebut. Dia lalu bercerita tentang bagaimana membuat mimpi tersebut menjadi kenyataan, kita harus bisa membayangkan sesuatu yang kita inginkan, bayangkan terus dan rasakan seakan akan hal itu sudah menjadi milik kita. Lalu dia juga berkata, karir orang itu tidak akan ada yang tau. Dia bercerita dulu dia pernah merasakan apa yang saya rasakan, dan sempat putus asa namun mimpi tersebut tetap dia pertahankan dan menjadi kenyataan. Dia bercerita akan keinginanya untuk membeli mobil baru, dan sekarang, itu telah menjadi kenyataan.

Lalu saya mencoba untuk melakukan hal yang ia lakukan, bermimpi untuk mempunyai mobil (karena itu memang merupakan impian saya). Awalnya saya memulai dengan memasang gambar mobil mobil aneh sebagai display picture di laptop dan di BBM, dari L300 hingga Cherokee dan Taft F50.

Lalu, saya pernah duduk di mobil Feroza milik Om saya, saya duduk dan membayangkan. Saya bayangkan bahwa ini adalah mobil saya. Saya bayangkan setiap detailnya. Dari mesin hingga ke bodi dan detail-detail lain. Saya bayangkan secara je;i dan cermat.

Lalu, tadi kemaren. Seperti kilat menyambar di siang bolong. "Papa Maret akan pergi ke Washington, keterima di Deplu bagian atase pendidikan dan kebudayaan". Hal itu tentu membuat saya berpikir. Keesokan harinya ketika saya mengantar ayah saya ke stasiun saya bertanya " Nanti Kuda (mobil saya ) itu diapain pas papa pergi?" Lalu dia menjawab "Ya diperbaiki lalu dijual, terus di gantu sama mobil kecil yang lebih baru". Lalu saya bertanya "diganti sama mobil apa?" dia menjawab "ya avanza aja, nanti kamu pake mobil aja" , "terus Rio ga pake motor", "Motor nya di jual aja di ganti sama motor bebek buat di komplex aja"

Saya diam , speachless. Hal yang saya inginkan selama ini. Ternyata tanpa saya memunta pun, sudah ditrawarin langsung. Dan itu merupakan "beyond my expectations" saya yang berharap akan obil taft tua, lalu akan diberi mobil Avanza atau Xenia baru....... Speaachless. Lalu saya ingat omongan Bobby tentang the power of dreams.....

Ternyata "if you put your mind to it, then anything is possible"...
Teruslah bermimpi dan gapai cita-cita.....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

North Korea's attack on South Korea

Well, for once in my blog, i will post something that is connected with my field of study which is international relations. Well, what i will write now in my blog is basically taken from my answer on my final exams. The question was , state your point of view on the Korean crisis looking at 3 aspects, history, the actors and the forcoming of the crisis, who will win and so on.., so here goes...

The Korean peninsula was first colonialized by the Japanese empire in 1910 till 1945, when japan was defeted by the allies. But, during this time of liberation, the Soviets entered the northen part of Korea thus giving it a comunist influence whilst the American entered the southern part of Korea giving it a liberal ideology influence. The Korean war marked the first war in the cold war. The cold war as we all know started after the end of the second world war, dividing the 2 super power. U.S.A and U.S.S.R.

The North Korean army was backed by the Russian and the Chinese. The Russian giving support by form of military equipment whilst the Chinese gave infantry man tao the north Koreans. The North attacked first, thus surprising the south's ill prepared army. The south asked for the help of American troops which came in a bit late during the Korean war, thus giving momentary victory to the north. When the American where organised and had all its military resources in South Korea, it quickly overwhelmed th North. In a short periode of time the south with help from the american army where able to push back the comunist to the now Korean Border.

An agreement was made with the 2 Korea's about the border, which is called the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone). The DMZ is a 2.5 mile (4km) wide streach of no man's land that divided the 2 koreas. Within the DMZ complex, there are building that are use to hold meetings and agreements between the 2 Koreas. The Northen border of the DMZ is heavily fortified, the goal is not to stop people getting in, but it is to stop people getting out of North Korea. Seoul is just only 50 or so KM away from the DMZ.

The main actors that play a role in the Korean crisis are of course the 2 Koreas, and America. Russia and chine (from my point of view) do not play any role in the crisis because now, Russia is not a comunist state, it is now a federal state. And chine's rapid economic growth, is the reason why china does not take part in the Korean crisis, if the take part, then it will handicap their economic sector, and china has already lot of Issue's one of them is about the ownership of Senkaku or Daiyou Island between Japan and China.

While America, with its intrusive political system always plays a part in every countries internal affair. But I think that America's asset in north Korea is needed to be protected so that's why the are in the crisis supporting the South. America has also 18.000 soldiers stationed in Korea, some of them are tasked to guard the DMZ with the fellow native Koreans.

If by any chance a war was to break out between the 2 Korea's, In my personal opinion, the north don't have a chance of wining, the lack the military equipment. The north only has post cold war era planes and tanks, and AK 47 Rifles, but as a major threat, there is a chance that the north may have nuclear technology. Not like the first Korean war in the 1950's, this time the North will be fighting alone. Whilst the south has the adequate military equipment sponsored by America, it has a vast number of infantry man and not forgeting U.S Army's support in fighting the north Koreans.

I think that the point of the north attacking the south is to draw attentions. North Korea's is having a difficult time at the present moment, maybe it's goal are to attract attention of the east Asian countries in the hope that a meeting will be held, and maybe in that meeting, the north will make an agreement to stop causing havoc if the other countries help in overcoming it;s economic crisis.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Apa sih enaknya tinggal di Bandung

Kota Bandung atau dikenal dengan berbagai nama seperti Kota Kembang, Paris Van Java adalah Ibu kota Propinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Saya kebetulan merupakan salah satu warga dari Kota tercinta ini, dan saya sudah merasa muak tinggal disini. Bandung, sudah bukan kota yang dan yang berudara segar lagi, melainkan sudah menjadi kota metropolitasn (seperti Jakarta) dengan kemacetan dan tingkat kriminal yang tinggi.

Kota Bandung tidak luput dari Geng Motornya, masalah ini sudah ada sejak jaman dahulu kala dan sekarang terkesan semakin marak. Namun Polisi lebih seneng menyebut mereka sebaga "Berandal Bermotor", Jika saya membuka Koran PR tiap pagi, pasti ada saja 1 atau 2 artikel yang menyangkut tentang berandal bermotor. Kenapa sih? Kok susah banget dibasmi? Padahal bukanya polisi sudah memberlakukan kebijakan tembak di tempat? Lalu kok tidak ada hasilnya? Sebaiknya berandal bermotor tersebut dibubarkan saja, karena meresahkan warga masyarakat. Berandal bermotor itu tidak ada gunanya, malah tindakan mereka itu memperburuk citra kota Bandung dimata warga nya dan pendatang baru. Harusnya mereka membuat organisasi yang melakukan hal-hal positif, yang mengayomi masyarakat dan mensejahterakan warga kota Bandung, bukan membuat onar dan kericuhan.

Lalu, Jalanan Kota Bandung. Masalah tentang ini, sudah lebih tua usianya dari masalah berandal bermotor, mungkin masalah ini sudah ada dari sejak zaman dinausaurus, apa susahnya sih bagi pemkot bandung untuk melakukan perbaikan jalan? Ataukah duitnya di korupsi dan di pake untuk hal-hal lain? Saya seorang warga Bandung yang tinggal di bandung Selatan, saya secara rutin menggunakan JAlan Soekarno- Hatta sebagai jalur lintas pulang pergi, belum 2 bulan jalan itu diaspal, sekarang sudah rusak lagi. Lalu jalan siliwangi, itu juga sudah rusak, jalan tubagus ismail di depan kompleks alamanda, sudah kembali rusak. Jalan Terusan Kiara Condong, juga sudah rusak, jalan kopo rusak, Cibaduyut rusak, kenapa sih semuanya rusak wahai Pak DADA ROSADA, wali Kota kami tercinta? apa sih masalah nya sampai-sampai di perbaiki rusak dan siklus ini seakan akan berulang ulang terus.

Mungkin 10 atau 15 tahun yang lalu, tinggal di Kota Bandung merupakan sebuah hal ya ng menyenangkan, udara segar, jalanan bagus, tingkat kriminalitas aman, tidak ada berandal bermotor, jalanan mulus. Tapi sekarang?