Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A thought from the past part 2


well, it all started a couple of months ago before the final exams and UGM test, we chatted and got to know each other and i started to have a feeling for her, but because of some circumstances i never got to her heart. so we became friends, not the best of friend but friend.

We kept in contact but not very intensively, but then i suddenly struck me, i was listening to a song. That song tells about a place that i always visit during my holidays, and i started thinking of her again.

It may sound strange to you, but this time the feeling that had come to me before, came again. It came at the strangest of time, but this time it was different. I don't know why i m sure that maybe this time its love, not just 'puppy love", but i guess it's to quick to judge.

This time I m certain about the feeling, but unfortunatly, she does live in Bandung anymore, she lived in that place, the place that the song described.

So i thought of a plan, a scheme to some how get to her heart, so i dared my self to start chatting with her, and it's been going on since. Well, maybe she's the right person for me, cuz i find a lot of comfort in talking to her directly or indirectly.

If i succeed it's gonna be a long distance relationship, 400km long. We gotta trust each other.
I am ready and up for it, but i wonder if she is up for it.., i wonder if she has the same feelings for me??
Although separated by the 400km distance, but how come i feel so close to her, i feel as if she is just a 15 minute walk away.

But reality speaks differently. Well god please let me succeed in taking her heart, although we are very far a part, please let me succeed. Let the distance be no boundaries to the feelings that i feel (hopefully if i succeed, we feel).

Let there be no you and me, but just we. We who will succeed in completing each others personalities, we that will fill each other gap in our heart, let there be we that will live eternally..

Originally written october 2009

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