Friday, October 28, 2011

Honesty and Trust

Some times it frightens me how deep the meaning of the word honesty and truth is. It maybe simple and easy to say, but in the real life, some times honesty and truth is usually overlooked and left in the dust. When people say that once some body has been dishonest to them once, than it is stereo typed in that persons mind that for the rest of life, regardless of how that person behaves weather they have changed or not, that person will always be dubbed as dishonest.

And when that person is dubbed dishonest, then everything becomes a problem. Trust and truth and honesty can not be bought buy bundles of cash, it can not be bribed. Trust and honesty can not be bought. And there is no some of money big enough to value some ones honesty and trust.

It scares me that one wrong move, and your dead. Honesty and trust is not some thing to be played around with, but it is something that is gained through years and years of truth full and honesty.

Honesty mixed with money is bush fire that is being sprayed buy gasoline. They are two major problem that has no end, and when in doubt, the fire has been stopped, the aftermath is still visible and will always be visible for years and decades to come. And rebuilding trust that has been broken is like planting all the trees and grass and vegetation, and breading the animals from the forest that has been burnt. It can happen but god knows how long it will take to rebuild that trust and to gain that trust. And when that trust has been rebuild, the forest will not be the same. It will still be a forest but a different forest with different trees and different wild life.

It's especially hard if you are caught in the middle. between the raging bush fire and the fire fighters who are unwilling to put out the fire because they know that the fire is to big to put out, or they do not want to waste there resources on putting the fire out, because it will gradually die down when the fire has run out of trees in the forest to be burnt. So who is the savior thrn? If this is the case then you put matters into your own hands, you do whats best for you regardless of the bush fire and the fire fighter. What you will do will upset the fire fighter, because you may break there rules of engagement towards solving the problem, but what else can you do? the Bush Fire is raging and the fire fighters wont help. So you stars little fire to control the bush fires, or you irritate the fire fighters, you complain to them, you tell them that they are not doing there job properly, this may work if the fire fighter realizes there mistake, but if they don't?, The better you give up and take fate into your own hands, and hope that the bush fire will die down, or the fire fighter will come and rescue you. But of they don't the worst that could happen is you get engolved by the bush fire and give up and die

Good Night

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