Thursday, April 29, 2010

You belong to me

Lagu yang berjudul "You Belong to me" merupakan sebuah Balada Klassik yang menggambarkan tentang perjalanan jauh seseorang, akan tetapi di akhir hari, orang itu tetap lah milik saya. Mungkin saya sedit rada susah menjelaskan makna liriknya tapi silahkan anda cermati sendiri :

See the pyramids along the Nile
Watch the sunrise on a tropic isle
Just remember darlin' all the while
You belong to me

See the market place in Old Algiers
Send me photographs and souvenirs
Just remember when a dream appears
You belong to me

I'll be so alone without you
Maybe you'll be lonesome too, and blue

Fly the ocean in a silver plane
See the jungle when it's wet with rain
Just remember 'til you're home again
You belong to me

(This portion, sung by background singers,
omitted in later release)
(I'll be so alone without you
Maybe you'll be lonesome too, and blue)

Fly the ocean in a silver plane
See the jungle when it's wet with rain
Just remember 'til you're home again
You belong to me

(Repeat last verse)

Lagu ini pertama kali di tulis pleh Pee Wee King pada tahun 1952, lalu di kemudian tahun-tahun berikutnya lagu ini banyak dinyanyikan oleh artist-artist ternama, seperti Patsy Cline, Ella Firz Gerald, Elvis Costello, Carla Bruni dan masih banyak lagi (silahkan liat di wikipedia).

Pada 1 Febuari 2007, sepotong lagu ini dinyanyikan oleh Sherman Pore pada Audisi American idle, sebagai sebuah persembahan kepada istrinya yang meninggal 2 tahun yang lalu karena penyakit kanker.

Untuk saya pribadi, lagu ini mengingatkan saya pada sesorang yang ada di hati saya.....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My problem with parents

It's common for a teenager to have frictions with their parents. Whats not normal is that if the problem is a continues problem that starts when you were a teenager (thats 13) and doesn't end until now (and I don't know when it will end). I will be 20 in two weeks time and still, the problem with my parents haunts me. They may think that there's nothing wrong and we both are fine, but really it's what they think, not what I think.

I can't trust my parents on giving me solution, well its because if tell then you have a problem they will not give you a solution or a way out, but they will give you more problem. They will ask, why can you be stupid enough to get into that problem and bla bla bla... And when they do try to give you solutions, it really doesn't help either. The solution is what they think is right and will work for them, but they don't think about weather that solution will work on me.

My parents are know it all, especially my dad, Yes he is a lecturer at ITB, Yes he has finished his PHD, but lets take and example, ITB and UNPAR are different. The lecturers may not be as top class as ITB. The lecturers may not come to every class in the semester not like ITB. and so on and so forth till tou get bored and you eventually say yes to everything he says.

It's difficult having parents that demand you to be a smart and "the kid that they hoped for". Some parents think with a narrow perspective and do what they think is right, or do what their parents used to them, but now, you cant do that, times have changed a lot.

At the moment, i am in no mood to talk or make contact with my parents, i'm tired of getting lectured over stupid things that don't really matter. If there are any parrents reading this, which i doubt there wouldn't be any ), please be wise to your children, let them talk and express their opinion about you.

I think the best kind of parents are parents that are considered as a friend (not a parent) by their child.I 'm certain that the child will be honest and truth full and will tell everything about what he is going trough and problems he has. Because he has the security that if i tell my parents, they won't be angry, and they are much better listeners and solution givers than a friend.