Friday, March 19, 2010

My opinion on Money.

Money money money, always sunny
in a rich mans world..

The lyrics from one of the song sang by ABBA. Money. If you can touch it, then you can count it. If you can count it than you can never have enough of it. Money is the sum of all evil, money is what makes the world go round or the world stop and have an apocalyps or have an armagedon.

Before there was money, people use to trade stuff like trade rice for rabbits or rabbits for sugar or cats for cockroach, then came the money and everything went wrong. People started stealing money from the money shops (we call banks today) and the there cam inflation where the prices of the good when very high that everybody went poor and can only eat cheap rice and cheap corn. No wonder they call money, the sum of all evil

About last week, i went to a hard ware store in the central part of Bandung, and i saw a bike that costs RP 48.0000.0000,- that about $4800 (well roughly). It may sound normal to you foreigners but for us "native" people, that price is crazy, its ridiculous, just for a stupid bike you have to pay forty eight million, think of what kind of stuff you can bloody buy for that amount of money. You can pay mortgage for a loan to buy a house, for god sake. And who is the idiot that will buy a two wheel contraption for that kind of price? certainly I won't, It's not worth it. You can get a bike for about RP 300.000,- near pasar kosambi (thats around $30). beside bike they also sell barbeque cookers or stove for RP 43.000.000,- (do the conversions yourself) it's crazy. Just to cook an egg or meat on a cooker that expensive. Thats what i call inflation. Just imagine, if a bicycle cost that expensive, how much could a standard ball point cost? Rp 100.000,-? its just crazy.

People too are becoming crazy, spending Rp 1.000.000,- on clothes or shoes or on things that are not worth spending on. They buy it because of the prestige and not because of the use. There are many people that earn 1 million rupiah per month and they have to use it for their living needs. Whilst some people in Jakarta or Bandung use it to but shushi or to buy some under wear. I just think its not worth it.

So please, spend your money wisely and buy a pack of cigarettes....

1 comment:

    makanya, banyak nabung dong gan, biar bisa ISO :beer:
