Friday, March 19, 2010

My opinion on smoking


The smell of cigarettes always broads my mind. It has become not just a habit but a tradition for most Indonesians. More than 50% of Indonesian population smokes, and mostly the people that smoke (within the 50% of Indonesia citizens ) are poor, or they live below the average line.

Then, you may ask, why do they have money to buy a pack of cigarettes and not have money to pay for their child's education fee? or maybe for their monthly lively hood??
well, I really don't know, you should ask them..

I've been a smoker for 4 years know, and i admit its a stupid thing to start, because smoking is a serius thing to stop. Once the nicotine gets into your system, it's like grease on teflon, or molten cheese on a hot fry pan, It's very hard to let go, and very hard to stop.

There are no benefits of smoking, like we all know. It says it clearly on the cigarette box. Or as people say smoking kills. And it does. There are more than a 100 poisonous substances in a stick of cigarette, and people will argue that a cigarette contains the same substance as rocket fuel (which i dont believe, and it contains a substance that is also found in mosquito repelent). But if you are a smoker, you would igonore the facts and say, what the hell.I'm not writing this article to encourage people to stop smoking, remember its just my opinion.

I've tried many brand of cigarettes from gudang garam, to Djarum Super, Dji samsoe (kretek filter), malrboro, lucky strike, marco polo, pall mall, dun hill, raison, esse, sampoerna, u-mild, classmild, x-mild, djarum black (tea and capuchiono), benson and hedges, phil, duffyduff, muld seven, wismilak,broen, somperna hijaun,djarum coklat, local made cigarettes such as gudang ganam, bintang buana, djeruk, rokok linting, kraton dalem, and many more. For me it's not because i'am an ash tray, but it's because every cigarette has its own character. Like people who do very hard labour usually smoke djarum coklat or sompoerna hijau or maybe dji samsoe. The taste it's not that good, execpt for dji sam soe (of course), but the nicotine a tar level is quite high. Maybe thats what they need.

For people who have "money" (middle class) they may smoke anything from "millds" (class milds etc) to kretek filter (Gudang garam, super) to marlboro, lucky strikes. Usually girls tend to smoke "milds" or menthol, but some extreme cases they will smoke djarum super or maybe Sam soe.

I at the present moment smoke marlboro lights. Its not the best but its may way of decreasing the nicotine. I use to smoke Dji sam soe (magnum Filter). That is like buying death. THe nicotine and tar level out run other cigarette brands. But the smoking sensations is uncomparable. It's one of the best tasting cigarettes that i ever tried.

In the long run, smoking will make your life miserable, but in the short term it gives a sensation of satisfaction that can only be felt by smokers....

as posted on face book 16/03/2010

1 comment:

    jgn ngerokok gan, ntar ane bata :batabig
