Saturday, March 20, 2010

My opinion on traffic jams

I'll start with a question,
Do you like traffic jams?

It's an easy one, isn't it. If you are sane, than the answer is NO, but if you are crazy and rich and can buy time with your swiss bank accounts, then maybe yes, you do like traffic jams. We'll I don't i hate traffic jams it make you unproductive, it some times makes you wet (bare with me, i don't have a car, i am not rich enough to buy one) the point is, traffic jams piss you off.

Well, Do you know what causes traffic jams? Well in my opinion there are a couple of reasons, lets start with the first one :

1. The Humble City transport (angkot)
It's is a cheap form of mass transportation, but i guess it's to cheap because the drivers (not all of them) are idiots. They are colour blind and some times they are also illiterate. It seems to them that the colours on traffic lights have no meaning, they are there just to make the road bright or just to be as a decoration so that people don't get bored while driving. They are egoistic people that only think for them selves and not think for other road user. They think that they are the king of the road and they own the road, but i bet you they don't pay the income tax, so they have no bloody right to use the roads.

2. People from Jakarta (They come at week ends and cause havoc on our roads)
Every saturday or sunday or at any given week end there will be lots of people from Jakarta coming to Bandung. Their sole purpose is to cause traffic jams and buy clothes and eat batagor, and get there cars trashed by viking supporters. Don't they realize that the only thing they do is just make a bloody traffic jam. If they make traffic jams and give me money thats okay, but they don't. They come with their posh and expensive cars. From Alphards To S klasse to Z4, all they do is make a nuisance, so please Jakarta people, GO HOME!!, By your bloody clothes and batagor some where else. I'm sure that there are better and more EXPENSIVE boutiques to buy your clothes. Go some where else, like Sukabumi or Subang.

There are also more reason for the traffic jam cause, but i won't mention them because our goverment has very strict and stupid laws about what is allowed and what is not allowed to written (fell like I'm living in Iran or maybe a communistic country where every thing has a law). And one more thing traffic jams causes global warming which, I quote from CInta Laura "Global Warming is Kool" hahaha

good night..

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