Wednesday, March 31, 2010

About Life

A day in a life of people is very different, people have different standards of what a good life is, the richer you are, the higher the standard, the poorer you are, the lower the standard. And what about me?, some one who is living an above average life in a world of people that are rich. it sometimes make you envy them, with their million bank accounts, posh cars and freedom, but is it all worth it?

The life I am living now, to many people standards is good enough, I have my own transporttion although i often get wet during the rainy season, i go to very expensive university (but if you compare to SBM ITB, it's practically nothing), I have a house, my own room, a computer an access to the internet. I should be great full (and I am), but If you look up to the people in my community, then you become ungreatfull. You think that your living the average life, cuz every body has more than you have, and then you start to envy them, and wished you'd live like them. I have a cousin that i envy, he has a nearly perfect life. He went to all the top school, he got execpted at a prestigeeous faculty in one of Indonesia's top University (which was my ambition but it failed), he doesn't get wet when going on dates with his girl friend who is presently abroad, and he has lots of money to spare. Isn't that nice??

It's not that I am ungreatfull its just that I envy him, and I start to think why life is so unfair, you think, how come he get everything he wants and i don't? And the thought of that sometimes make me not able to sleep and feel pity for my self. Then you start to think that you have a life that is unworth living, although there is nothing wrong with it.

But, it's wrong to think like that. It's wrong to be ungreatfull to the lord who has given us a life that we live now. I know this because I have seen people living in conditions a lot worst than me, People who live in 3m x 4m houses with 12 people in it. Or even worst, people who are homeless. Than you see the irony and the way you think is totally wrong. Never see people above you, but always see the ones below, because if you look up, there is no bench mark for what up is, it just goes on and on and on, same as if you look down. You think that beggers are living a harsh life, imagine what life a blind begger lives. Not enough for you? Than imagine what a blind and arm less begger life is like. It just goes down and down and down. Till you hit rock bottom which is who knows where is.

The point is, that we must be greatfull with what life we are given whether we like it or not, I know it's hard, its really hard not to envy other people. I usually think that rich people are usually spoilt and useless at life, like they don't know how to turn cooker because they usually have their food cooked by their maid, and they don't know how to use public transport because they use their cars with their drivers and air conditioning. The thought of this makes me think straight again and stops me from complaining (but not all rich people are spoilt and useless, some are very kind and very nice people though) Their useless ness and spoilt ness will do no good in the future, because life is getting harder. So be greatfull at what you are, its the right way to live......

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